Suárez in English translation
The following lists all the English translations of Suárez of which I am aware. I would, of course, be grateful for being alerted to any omissions. For translations into other modern languages, see 'Suárez in non-English translation'.
The list is organized alphabetically by the Latin titles of the works. In cases of online translations, I just provide the translator's name which is linked to the translation in question; in other cases, I provide the relevant publication information. With respect to my own translations, see the word of warning on my translations page. An '*' before my name indicates a more polished translation.
- DMBSM: Descartes' Meditations: Background Source Materials. Edited by Roger Ariew, John Cottingham, and Tom Sorell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. NB: Excerpts in this volume are short and multiple excerpts from the same section are not always printed consecutively.
- EPG: Extracts on Politics and Government from Defense of the Faith, Laws and God the Lawgiver, Tract on Faith, Tract of Charity. Translated by George Albert Moore. Chevy Chase 15, Md: Country Dollar Press, 1950. (Facsimile of typescript.)
- SFTW: Selections from Three Works of Francisco Suárez, S. J. Prepared by Gwladys L. Williams, Ammi Brown, and John Waldron. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1944 (reprinted: Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co., 1995).
De angelis
- VII.6 - 'Whether every sin of the will presupposes some defect in the practical intellect'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- VII.10 - 'Whether the first sin of pride in Lucifer was an excessive or inordinate appetite for his own natural happiness'. 1. Sydney Penner.
De anima
- 1.1-4 and 2.3 (following Castellote edition) - 'On the substance of the soul in general' and 'On the immateriality and immortality of the rational soul'. 1. Selections from De Anima. Translated by John Kronen and Jeremiah Reedy. Munich: Philosophia, 2012.
- 12.2 (following Castellote edition) - 'Whether the will is free in its acts'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- III.2 and 17 (following Vivès edition) - 'What intentional species are' and 'Whether vision occurs by emission or reception'. 1. George MacDonald Ross.
De bonitate et malitia
- 6.1, 4, 5 - 'On the goodness resulting from the end of an interior act of the will'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 7.1 -'Whether there is some act of the will that is of itself and by its own nature evil even apart from an extrinsic prohibition'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- 11.2 - 'Whether the human will, in order to be right, must be conformed to the divine will that orders the actions of the human will itself'. 1. Sydney Penner.
De charitate
- XIII - 'On war'. 1. SFTW. 2. EPG (sections 2, 3, 5, and 8).
De Deo Uno et Trino
- III.3.1 - 'It is shown that the divine persons are really distinguished from each other'. 1. Sydney Penner.
De fide
- XVIII - 'On the means which may be used for the conversion and coercion of unbelievers who are not apostates'. 1. SFTW. 2. EPG (sections 5-6).
De fine hominis
- 1 - 'On the causality of the end with respect to human will'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- 2 - 'Concerning actions of the will that are for the sake of an end'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 3 - 'On the ultimate end of humans in general, and the manner of acting for the sake of it'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- 4 - 'Concerning happiness in general: whether it is and what it is'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 5 - 'On the object of human happiness'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 6.3 - 'Whether happiness is one simple activity of the intellective soul or a collection of multiple activities'. 1. Sydney Penner (excerpts).
- 7 - 'Concerning the specific activity and proximate power in which supernatural happiness is to be set up'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 15 - 'On those things that belong to natural happiness'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- 16.1 - 'Whether a human being desires with an innate desire natural happiness in particular and in general'. 1. Sydney Penner.
De generatione et corruptione
- Disp. 1, q. 1 - 'Whether there is substantial generation and corruption and what it is'. 1. Sydney Penner.
De gratia, pars I
- Prol. 1, cap. 1 and 3 - 'On the names 'nature' and 'freewill'' and 'Whether a power that after all the prerequisites for acting have been posited can both act and not act is rightly described as being free.' 1. Translated by Sydney Penner. 'Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): On Free-Will, in Philosophy in the Renaissance: An Anthology, edited by Paul Richard Blum and James G. Snyder (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023), 333-349.
- Prol. 1, cap. 1 - 'On the names 'nature' and 'freewill'.' 1. *Sydney Penner.
- Prol. 1, cap. 2 - 'What things are necessary for a power to be free and to operate freely?' 1. Sydney Penner.
- Prol. 1, cap. 3 - 'Whether a power that after all the prerequisites for acting have been posited can both act and not act is rightly described as being free.' 1. *Sydney Penner.
De legibus
- I - 'On law in general and on its nature, causes, and effects'. 1. SFTW (omitting chapters 8, 10-11, 13-17, and 19-20). 2. EPG (chapters 3 and 4). 3. Sydney Penner (chapter 13).
- II - 'On the eternal law, the natural law, and the ius gentium'. 1. SFTW. 2. Alfred J. Freddoso.
- III - 'On positive human law as such, and as it may be viewed in pure human nature, a phase of law which is also called civil'. 1. SFTW (chapters 1-4 and 32-33). 2. EPG (chapters 1-4). 3. Cambridge Translations of Renaissance Philosophical Texts, II: Political Philosophy. Edited by J. Kraye. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 (chapter 4).
- VI.9 - 'On the interpretation, cessation, and change of human law'. 1. SFTW.
- VII - 'Of unwritten law which is called custom'. 1. SFTW. 2. EPG (chapter 13).
De libertate divinae voluntatis
- I - 'On the true sense of Paul's statement that God works all things according to the counsel of his will'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
De mysteriis vitae Christi (Comm. et disp. in tertiam part. D. Thomae t. sec.)
- I, V, and VI - 'The dignity of the mother of God in general'. 1. The Dignity and Virginity of the Mother of God. Translated by Richard J. O'Brien. West Baden Springs, Ind.: West Baden College, 1954.
De opere sex dierum
- V.7 - 'What Kind of Corporeal or Political Life Men Would Have Professed in the State of Innocence'. 1. Translated by Matthew Gaetano. Journal of Markets and Morality 15 (2012): 541-63.
De scientia Dei futurorum contingentium
- 1.8 - 'In what way, finally, God cognizes future contingents'. 1. Sydney Penner.
De voluntario et involuntario
- 6.1 - 'Concerning the objects, natures, and differences of will and intention'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 8 - 'Concerning election, consent, and the cognition going before such an act'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- 9 - 'On use and command'. 1. Sydney Penner.
Defensio fidei catholicae
- I - 'How much Anglicanism is at variance with Catholic doctrine'. 1. Peter Simpson (Philological Museum copy).
- II - 'On the particular errors in the matter of Catholic faith which the King of England professes'. 1. Peter Simpson (Philological Museum copy).
- III - 'On the excellence and power of the supreme pontiff over temporal kings'. 1. Peter Simpson (Philological Museum copy). 2. SFTW (chapters 5 and 23). 3. EPG (chapters 1-5).
- IV - 'On ecclesiastical immunity or the exemption of clerics from the jurisdiction of temporal kings'. 1. Peter Simpson (Philological Museum copy).
- V - 'On Antichrist, whose name and person, through calumny and injury, are falsely attributed to the pontiff by Protestants'. 1. Peter Simpson (Philological Museum copy).
- VI - 'On the oath of fidelity of the King of England' 1. Peter Simpson (Philological Museum copy). 2. SFTW (chapter 4).
Disputationes metaphysicae
- Ad lectorem - 'The reason for, and an outline of, the whole work'. 1. Alfred J. Freddoso.
- Prooemium - 'Introduction'. 1. Alfred J. Freddoso. 2. DMBSM (excerpts).
- Ad lectorem, Prooemium, and I - 'The reason for, and an outline of the whole work', 'Introduction', and 'On the nature of first philosophy or metaphysics'. 1. Metaphysical Disputation I: On the Nature of First Philosophy or Metaphysics. Translated by Shane Duarte. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2021.
- I.4.5 - 'What are the functions of [metaphysics], what is its end, what is its utility?' 1. DMBSM (excerpt).
- II - 'On the essential ratio or concept of being'. 1. Metaphysical Disputation II: On the Essential Concept or Concept of Being. Translated by Shane Duarte. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023.
- II - 'On the essential ratio or concept of being'. 1. Sydney Penner (excerpts). 2. DMBSM (excerpt from section 1).
- III-IV - 'On being's passions in general and its principle' and 'On transcendental unity in general'. 1. Metaphysical Disputations III-IV: On Being's Passions in General and Its Principle and On Transcendental Unity in General. Translated by Shane Duarte. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023.
- III.2 - 'How many attributes of being there are'. 1. Sydney Penner (excerpts).
- V - 'On individual unity and its principle'. 1. Suarez on Individuation. Translated by Jorge J. E. Gracia. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1982.
- VI - 'On formal and universal unity'. 1. On Formal and Universal Unity. Translated by James F. Ross. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1964.
- VII - 'On the various kinds of distinction'. 1. On the Various Kinds of Distinction. Translated by Cyril Vollert. Milwaukee, Marquette University Press, 1947. 2. DMBSM (excerpts from section 1).
- VIII.2 - 'What the truth of cognition is'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- VIII.7 - 'Whether truth is something in things that is an attribute of being'. 1. Sydney Penner (rough and partial).
- IX.2 - 'What the source of falsity is'. 1. DMBSM (excerpts).
- X-XI - 'On the good or transcendental goodness' and 'On bad'. 1. The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suárez. Translated by Jorge J. E. Gracia and Douglas Davis. München: Philosophia, 1989. 2. *Sydney Penner (X.1). 3. DMBSM (excerpts from X.1 and XI.1).
- XII - 'On the causes of being in general'. 1. Jacob Tuttle, Suárez's Metaphysics of Efficient Causation (PhD diss., Purdue University, 2013), 109-28 (selections from sections 1-3).
- XII.1 - 'Whether cause and principle are entirely the same'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- XII.2 - 'Whether there is some common ratio of cause, and what it is and of what kind it is'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- XII.3 - 'How many kinds of causes there are'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XIII.1 - 'Whether it is evident to natural reason that there is given in beings a material cause of substances, which we name prime matter'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XIII.2 - 'Whether the material cause of generable and corruptible substances is single or multiple'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XIII.3 - 'Whether the single first material cause of generable substances is some simple body or a whole substance'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- XIII.5 - 'Whether matter is pure potentiality and in what sense that should be accepted'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XIII.9 - 'What the causality of matter is'. 1. Sydney Penner.
- XV - 'On the formal cause of substance'. 1. On the Formal Cause of Substance. Translated by John Kronen. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2000. 2. DMBSM (excerpts from section 11).
- XVII-XIX - 'On the efficient cause in general'; 'On the proximate efficient cause, its causality, and everything required for causing'; and 'On causes that act necessarily and causes that act freely or contingently'. 1. On Efficient Causality. Translated by Alfred J. Freddoso. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.
- XX-XXII - 'On the first efficient cause and on his first action, which is creation'; 'On the first efficient cause and on his second action, which is conservation'; and 'On the first cause, and on his third action, which is cooperation, or concurrence, with secondary causes'. 1. On Creation, Conservation, and Concurrence. Translated by Alfred J. Freddoso. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press, 2002.
- XXIII-XIV - 'On the final cause in general' and 'on the ultimate final cause or ultimate end'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XXVI.1 - 'Whether every cause is more noble than its effect'. 1. Sydney Penner. 2. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXVII - 'On the comparison of the causes to each other'. 1. Sydney Penner (XXVII.1 and excerpts from XXVII.2).
- XXVIII-XXIX - 'On the division of being into infinite and finite' and 'Whether there is a first and uncreated being'. 1. The Metaphysical Demonstration of the Existence of God. Translated by John P. Doyle. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press, 2004. 2. DMBSM (excerpts from XXVIII.1 and XXIX.3).
- XXX.1 - 'Whether it belongs to God to be a wholly perfect being'. 1. *Sydney Penner. 2. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXX.11 - 'Whether it can be demonstrated that God is invisible'. 1. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXX.12 - 'Whether one can demonstrate that God cannot be comprehended or quidditatively cognized'. 1. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXX.13 - 'Whether it can be demonstrated that God is ineffable'. 1. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXXI - 'On the essence of finite being as such, on the existence of that essence, and their distinction'. 1. On the Essence of Finite Being As Such, On the Existence of That Essence and Their Distinction. Translated by Norman J. Wells. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1983. 2. DMBSM (excerpts from section 6).
- XXXII.1 - 'Whether being is proximately and sufficiently divided into substance and accident'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XXXIII.1 - 'What substance signifies and how it is divided into complete and incomplete'. 1. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXXVIII.2 - 'Whether substance is prior in cognition to accident'. 1. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XXXIX - 'Concerning the division of accidents into the nine highest genera'. 1. Sydney Penner (excerpts).
- XL.2 - 'Is bulk quantity a thing distinct from material substance and its qualities?' 1. Robert Pasnau. 2. DMBSM (excerpts).
- XLVII - 'On real relation in general'. 1. On Real Relation. Translated by John P. Doyle. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2006.
- XLVIII - 'On action'. 1. Jacob Tuttle, Suárez's Metaphysics of Efficient Causation (PhD diss., Purdue University, 2013), 129-91 (includes the bulk of all six sections).
- XLVIII.1 - 'Whether action essentially expresses a respect to the principle of acting'. 1. *Sydney Penner.
- XLIX - 'On passion'. 1. Jacob Tuttle, Suárez's Metaphysics of Efficient Causation (PhD diss., Purdue University, 2013), 192-226 (includes the bulk of all four sections).
- LIV - 'On beings of reason'. 1. On Beings of Reason. Translated by John P. Doyle. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1995.
Index locupletissimus in Metaphysicam Aristotelis
- Index locupletissimus in Metaphysicam Aristotelis - A Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics: Or, a Most Ample Index to The Metaphysics of Aristotle. Translated by John P. Doyle. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2004.
Quaestiones de legibus
- III.3 - 'Whether natural law is only one'. 1. Sydney Penner.